Welcome to arcade.ly's Neocities site!
I've been using the web since back in the 90s when creating your own website on sites like GeoCities and FortuneCity was all the rage. When I heard about NeoCities I thought it would be fun to put together a website here just as a trip down memory lane.
Nowadays I host my main website at arcade.ly which I use for hosting versions of classic arcade games that I've written myself. It's really just a hobby site, started so I wanted to get better at JavaScript, so it only has a couple of games:
- Shoot The Rocks is a version of Asteroids, Atari's 1979 classic vector arcade game. I think writing a version of this is pretty much a rite of passage for working with the HTML5 canvas, and learning what you can do with canvas 2D graphics!
- Star Citadel is much more obscure. It's a version of Cinematronics' Star Castle, another vector arcade game. This one came out in 1979 and is much less well known than Asteroids, although it did provide the inspiration for Howard Scott Warshaw's Yars' Revenge on the Atari VCS, later known as the Atari 2600. Weirdly I wrote Star Citadel before Shoot The Rocks, primarily because I'd never played Star Castle and wanted a decent version of it. I only discovered it existed at all by watching the documentary Atari: Game Over on Netflix.
So anyway, that's kind of it for now, but I'll post more content here as and when I get time.
Links to other cool sites I've found on Neocities
Links to cool sites and resources elsewhere
- wiby.me - a retro search engine that only indexes sites with a distinctly 1990s/Web 1.0 flavour